Tag Archives: earth

10 Easy Ways to Go Green!


1. Unplug your straightener, your kitchen appliances, your phone and laptop chargers. Use a power strip and switch it off when you leave the house or go away for the weekend, because appliances suck up electricity even when they’re plugged in and turned off–it’ll probably save you money on your bill, too!

2. Don’t overdo the heat in the winter and the AC in the summer–one degree really does make a difference, so when it’s cold, grab a blanket and some fuzzy socks instead of turning up the heat! 

3. Wash your laundry in cold water, because 90% of the washing machine’s energy goes to heating! Plus, it’ll keep the colors separate–an added plus. 

4. Use energy-efficient lightbulbs–they last longer and are much more environmentally friendly! 

5. Use rechargeable batteries–it’ll save you so much money, not to mention gas and the time it takes to make special trips to buy them! The real reason, though, is how many batteries you’ll NOT throw away for the rest of your life. 

6. Sign up for Online Bill Pay–it’s more convenient, easier to keep track of, and saves paper. 

7. Use a laptop instead of your desktop computer–and if you do use the desktop, shut it down at night, por favor! 

8. Bring your own bags to the grocery store–and if you forget, recycle the ones you’re given!

9. Don’t get receipts if you don’t need them, and if you have the option, have them sent to your bank email inbox!

10. Plant a tree, study outside, and spend more time appreciating the environment and communing with nature. 

A Bonus Way to Go Green from “The Daily Green”:
“Around 100 million trees and 28 billion gallons of water are used to send junk mail to Americans every year, according to greendimes.com. You can stop 75% of unsolicited mail by registering on the Mail Preference Service on the Direct Marketing Association Website (for a fee of $1). Within 90 days, most unsolicited mail will stop.”


-Hayden Field

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